Thursday, November 1, 2012

Is it Better to be Feared or Loved as an Leader?

A loved ruler and a feared ruler may rule their empires differently, but they are all striving fr the goal of success. For example, in China, which was a very large and quickly expanding empire, the leadership of Qin Shi Huang Di was a ruthless and fearful time for the citizens of China. Qin felt as though by being a harsh and merciless ruler, he would have complete and total control over his empire with little disruption. His empire fell apart in a matter of years as soon as he died. In a time before this, Cyrus the Great and his predecessors ruled the Persian empire with kindness and love. This empire lasted for more than one thousand years, and was the largest empire ever known. In trying to keep his empire under control, Qin Shi Huang Di was only creating tension inside the empire that was sure to blow up in his face because of his ruling style. The people of his empire revolted in such anger and longing for freedom, which left his next-in-charge with  huge mess. Being a feared leader can lead to many things, - good and bad - but the empire under this type of rule would be more compulsive revolt and utter cahos.On the other hand, Cyrus, Darius and the other Persian leaders were calm and relaxed about laws and actions. There were still punishments , but people were more widely accepted in this empire. I think it is important to be both a feared and loved leader, because then one can balance the power they hold and people will respect them as a leader.