Saturday, March 9, 2013

Visual 4

Jordan's King Abdullah (C) reviews an honour guard prior to the opening of the first session for the new parliament in Amman, February 10, 2013. REUTERS/Ali Jarekji

Jordan's king on Sunday called for changes to make parliament more representative, after Islamists avoided last month's national poll saying rules were pitted against urban areas where they have most support. Jordan's powerful tribal establishment, which is strongest in the countryside, won most seats in the national elections January 23, after the Islamic Action Front blocked the vote. King Abdullah told the opening session of the  assembly that electoral rules must change to make the multi-party democracy better. These were the first elections since the king put constitutional changes into place last year. This relates to the social and political PIEs because it has to do with the King and the parliament and the people are largely affecting the decisions. This relates to class because it has to do with the King and how he wants to make the parliament more relatable to the public.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Current Event 4

SpaceX supply ship arrives at space station

A very sweet treat landed at the International Space Station on Sunday, straight from Cape Canaveral. The privately owned Dragon capsule delivered a ton of supplies including, food, clothes, fresh fruit and many scientific tools. At first, the launch struggled with a stuck valve or pressure line, and it took several hours to salvage the mission. In the end, the capsule attached itself to the orbiting lab smoothly and will remain at the ISS for most of March before returning with samples and old equipment.

This event took place at Cape Canaveral, Florida and the International Space Station.

This article relates to the intellectual PIE because we are getting more information from the ISS about space and tests and studies they conduct out there and we are sending our knowledge to them.

This article makes me think about how cool it would be to go to space and study how it affects the tests and studies. The government is already majorly involved with NASA and the space program.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Visual 3

This photo is of four of the many winners at the Oscars on Sunday. The Dolby Theatre was crawling with actors, actresses, directors and producers. The Oscars has been on live TV since 1953 and is one of the many awards shows during the "season". This relates to the social PIE because the awards are part of the movie business, which is a social media hub. This relates to class because there is such a small portion of people who make it big in movies and TV, while the majority are living normal lives.