Monday, January 28, 2013

Current Event 1

Air Conditioning: No Sweat

Summer humidity in the Gulf can reach 90%, and the temperature is far above the norm. The population in this "southern littoral" has more than tripled in the last 60 years. The only way these people's lives are made possible is through artificially cooled air. This might seem like the solution to the heat, but some see it as more of a curse than a miracle. These critics are trying to remind people that air conditioning was meant for making machines safer and more efficient, not for the comfort of people.  Studies showing productivity disagree. From surveys taken in the 1950's, air conditioning raised productivity and lowered stoppages in factories. With cool air indoors, businesses boomed and the economy grew, unlike in hotter climes. Cooling also lowers mortality and sickness.

These studies were taken in places near the equator, which is the warmest point on Earth.

This article relates to the social and economic PIES because it shows how cooler air increases good, productive, and focused behavior.

This article makes me think how fortunate we are to have cooled air circulation and makes me wonder what it would be like if there was no air conditioning. I think the government is already involved because the government and the economy are intertwined, and they can also help regulate use and production.

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