Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Current Event 2

Heathrow airport hits record 70 million passengers

Heathrow is the UK's busiest airport. Lately, it has been operating at almost full capacity, with 471,341 flights in 2012, which is just below the legal limit of 480,000 per year. During the Olympics, numbers fell by 400,000, because people were staying home to watch the Games and people arriving in the country dipped. Rival airports in Europe and the Middle East were presenting competition, so chief executive Colin Matthews decided that now airport capacity was urgent. Terminal 2 at the airport should be finished near the end of this year, which will increase the limit of passengers. 

This event took place at London Heathrow Airport in England. 

This article relates to the social and economic PIEs because the number of people arriving and departing from Heathrow airport generate revenue and income for the airport.

This article made me think about how people are traveling more and how this affects not only economies but also the environment. I think the government should get involved just to regulate the flow of traffic and create more efficient travel ideas.

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