Monday, October 8, 2012

Mohenjo-Daro: Priest King

Origin: This artifact was found in 1927 by a group of archaeologists. It is on display at the National Museum of Pakistan. It is from the city of Mohenjo-Daro, a city in the Indus River Valley, which today is modern-day Pakistan. It is estimated to have a date of origin around. The artifact is about 6.9 inches (17.5 cm) tall.

Purpose: This artifact is a statue. It is carved out of soapstone and has many patterns. This statue was carved to represent government in the Indus River Civilization and how important religion was to the society.

Value: This artifact is valuable to students because it shows the artistry of the time and how influential religion was. Things we can learn from this artifact are how their government worked.

Limitations: Because this piece has no color and has pieces visibly missing, it is harder to know exactly what this statue may have looked like and represented in its splended grandeur.

1 comment:

  1. Your score: 4/5 - Nice job! What else does it tell us about the society? The materials they used etc...
    0:There is no description or evaluation of source
    1:The source is described but there is no reference to its origin, purpose, value and limitation.
    2-3: There is some evaluation of the source but reference to its origin, purpose, value and limitation may be limited.
    4-5: There is evaluation of the source and explicit reference to its origin, purpose, value and limitation.
