Sunday, October 7, 2012

Otzi's Obituary

Otzi the Iceman Dies of Homicide: 3,000 BC

5,000 years ago, Otzi the Iceman lived in a community near the Alps. He would have been a well-respected man, considering his tools and weapons. Otzi was in his early 40's and is thought to have ived as a hunter, farmer or sheppard. "The Iceman", as he is nicknamed, was found only 100 yrads from the border of Italy and Austria. The day he died, he was well fed and unsuspecting of his death. He was found with an arrowhead in his back, and later was found to have blunt force head trauma; therefore we believe he was shot and then finished off with a hit to the head. We suppose Otzi was ahot by a member pf his own tribe, as he was not expecting to be attacked. He was found surrounded by his belongings which included a copper axe, bow and arrows, and a dagger. Otzi is an amazing window back into 3,000 BC and we hope to learn even more about Otzi and his time.

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